Report covers for the Washington DC think tank

One-pagers and white papers for the D.C. think tank

Covers for the redesign of SmartMarket reports

Interior pages and infographics for the redesign of SmartMarket Reports

Redesign incorporating Arthritis Foundation's new identity. Illustrations: Tracy Walker

Cover designs for RA Today newsletter, illustrations by Tracy Walker

Program covers and interiors for National Magazine Awards for ASME

Cover to membership brochure

Report covers for the Washington DC think tank
One-pagers and white papers for the D.C. think tank
Covers for the redesign of SmartMarket reports
Interior pages and infographics for the redesign of SmartMarket Reports
Redesign incorporating Arthritis Foundation's new identity. Illustrations: Tracy Walker
Cover designs for RA Today newsletter, illustrations by Tracy Walker
Program covers and interiors for National Magazine Awards for ASME
Cover to membership brochure